Tiyuv טִיוּב
Partnerships & Supporters
Tiyuv is grateful to our funders, early adopters, community partners, and supporters.

2021 Community Convening with teachers/academic mentors, community leaders, elders, and sages from our communities in the development of the Tiyuv Etz Chaim עץ חיים CRE model™.
Our Funders and Partners in Community Impact
Tiyuv is funded by grants from the Jim Joseph Foundation, The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation,
Jewish Liberation Fund, a fiscally sponsored project of the Proteus Fund, Crown Family Philanthropies,
and Rise Up.

Our Tiyuv טִיוּב Early Adopters, Shivat Haminim שבעת המינים
Tiyuv טִיוּב built a network of organizational early adopters of our model. With our early adopters, we have used the Tiyuv טִיוּב model to conduct evaluations as well as smaller projects our “evaluative consultations.
We call our early adopters our Shivat Haminim שבעת המינים, or Seven Species, in reference to the seven species of special foods grown in the Holy Land listed in the Hebrew Bible that are a focus in Jewish traditional teachings.
All our early adopter evaluations and evaluative consultations focus on tikkun olam in the Jewish community.
“Tiyuv brings a relational and spiritual approach to the work as well, grounding each of the consultations in prayer and connection to the values and identities that are at the heart of the projects they work with. We recommend working with Tiyuv for a rigorous development and/or refinement of your theory of change and thorough evaluation of the impact of your programs.” - Inside Out Wisdom and Action Project (IOWA)